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Block and Bridle

The Hub for Everything Animal Science

Block and Bridle is a nationally recognized animal science club. This is where judging contests, livestock exhibition, and skillathons all take place. This club is open to anyone and everyone interested in animals but primarily hones in on animal science majors. This year we are excited to announce that we plan to restart our judging teams and sheep showing! We are the proud sponsors of the Barn Dance in the fall semester and the Annual Intramural Rodeo in the spring. 


Block and Bridle Officers 

Upcoming Events

Barn Dance Work Days

Barn Dance

ASAS Southern Section Meeting

Ft. Worth Stock Show and Rodeo


San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo

San Angelo Stock Show and Rodeo

Houston Stock Show and Rodeo

Block and Bridle National Convention

NACTA Judging Confernce

ACU Rodeo

National Animal Science Conference

Past Events

ACU Annual Intramural Rodeos

National Conventions

Annual Barn Dances

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